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With the latest announcement of Sitecore's Experience Platform, many customers are looking for guidance as to how they should move forward and successfully upgrade.

As an experienced Platinum Sitecore Partner, upgrades are second nature to us; this is our area of expertise!  We provide our customers with easy, rapid upgrade paths to minimize the exposure of costly rework and ensure the upgrade is successful.


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Upgrading Sitecore is a process that needs to be well thought out, planned, and scheduled properly to ensure your website is up and running with no issues as soon as you pull the trigger in production.

RDA offers a custom workshop to help you understand all of the moving parts that come with an upgrade. We've helped many clients upgrade and are here to share our knowledge with you.


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Why Upgrade

Build a tightly integrated user experience

Your marketing and business users are demanding more and more every day because your customers are demanding more.

If you’re working with disconnected marketing technology, you’ll never be able to fully embrace personalized marketing and support today’s always-on digital consumer.

  • Drive alignment across Marketing and IT teams to accelerate customer experience success
  • Stay ahead of the upgrade curve and don't let your version of Sitecore run out of support
  • For Salesforce customers: Connect your Martech stack, get to know your customers better, and give your customers an amazing experience across channels
  • Make your developers more efficient and reduce costs with Containerization, Kubernetes, and .Net Core support

Click here to read more about the business case 

Maximize your Sitecore investment.

With RDA, you gain access to a Sitecore support team to help you find solutions to your biggest obstacles:

  • Keep your platform at peak performance
  • Turn your challenges into advantages
  • Overcome your development frustrations

Stop settling for mediocre and build out your business’s ultimate optimized platform. Contact us today for more information on how to get started!