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Managed Services

RDA’s Application Managed Services supplements the services of your SaaS vendor and/or hosting provider by establishing application-level monitoring that is specific to your DXP implementation.



24x7 Monitoring

RDA’s customers enjoy the peace of mind that our white-glove, managed services provide. We offer the services you need when you need them, including 24x7 monitoring, to keep your investment in the solution healthy.

RDA's application managed services is for the dev, test, and production for DXP environments.

Key Services that are included:

Onboarding is a one-time activity that is a prerequisite to being able to provide recurring service.  By detailing what the onboarding services entail, the expectations for what happens first and when recurring service can begin is clearly communicated.

Management is the ongoing coordination and validation of all services defined to ensure that all activities are being performed on the proper schedule and ensure all inbound requests are triaged.

Application Monitoring
Application monitoring provides proactive monitoring so that you can respond to issues before it affects visitors for an extended period of time. Monitoring triggers a triage exercise when an issue is discovered, which will then determine if remediation is required.

Review and Acceptance
We demonstrate the feature before it is released. Documenting acceptance forces the team to think about all of the edge cases and makes it clear what the boundaries of the story are so the team can stay on time and on budget. The features allotted for delivery are quantified by a relative sizing system.

Remediation provides fixes for any issues covered by the scope of application monitoring. Fixes may include configuration change, code change, or data change. If it is discovered that a root cause is due to an external factor outside of RDA’s control, then the effort will be recorded against the retainer allotment.

Maximize your DXP investment.

With RDA, you gain access to a support team to help you find solutions to your biggest obstacles:

  • Keep your platform at peak performance
  • Turn your challenges into advantages
  • Overcome your development frustrations

Stop settling for mediocre and build out your business’s ultimate optimized platform. Contact us today for more information on how to get started!